Monday, December 30, 2019

A Child With Down Syndrome - 1328 Words

Piaget believed that children went through stages of development at specific times. Child development is the biological and psychological changes that occur in human beings between birth and adolescence. Typical development refers to the milestones that a child reaches at a particular time during child development. Atypical development refers to not typical; not conforming to the type; irregular; abnormal: atypical behavior. Down syndrome is characterized as a chromosomal condition in which an individual possesses extra genetic material, specifically an extra complete or partial duplicate of chromosome 21 in some or all of an individual s cells. During the developmental stages, a child with Down syndrome will experience developmental delays in the areas of motor development, cognitive development, language development, and social and emotional development. Down syndrome is identified at birth and is a common condition. Characteristics of Down Syndrome Children with Down syndrome have physical characteristics that resemble a family member. A child with Down syndrome may have a face that is slightly broader with a flatter nasal bridge. The eyes may slant upward and appear to have a small fold of skin on the inner corners called epicanthal folds. The mouth may be small which may cause the tongue to appear large and protrude due to poor muscle tone. The ears are small and their hands and feet are smaller. The palms of the hands might have a single crease across it calledShow MoreRelatedChild Is Born With Down Syndrome863 Words   |  4 PagesIf a child is born with Down syndrome, what kind of condition do they have? Genetically speaking, why does the child have Down syndrome? What are two challenges that the child has a higher risk of? (3 points) A child that is born with Down syndrome has a condition called trisomy 21. The term trisomy is described as the chromosomal error that results in a specific chromosome to have three copies. Therefore, in a case of Down syndrome, there are three copies of chromosome 21 in their DNA. A child withRead MoreCare of Child with Down Syndrome515 Words   |  2 PagesDown syndrome has three different types of occurrence, Trisomy 21, Translocation, and Mosaicism. Trisomy 21 is the most common one and it accounts for 95% of all cases. It is a congenital disorder which consists of having a whole extra chromosome in the 21st pair of chromosomes in every cell of the body; the person ends up having 47 chromosomes instead of the usual 46. Down syndrome was named after Dr. John Langdon Down, an English Physician, who, in 1866, was the first ever to describe the characteristicRead MoreA Parent Of A Child Diagnosed With Down Syndrome1270 Words   |  6 PagesBecoming a parent for the first time is of ten frightening, no parent wants his or her child to be sick, disabled, or harmed in any way. It is not an experience anyone expects to have, it is a journey that is unplanned. Heather is the mother of a child diagnosed with Down syndrome. Heather shared her story, along with the everyday struggles she faces, in a personal interview about her child’s diagnosis of Down syndrome. Though she may face many struggles, she has found hope throughout different therapeuticRead MoreUse Of A Token Economy Increase Running On Command Of A Child With Down Syndrome1521 Words   |  7 PagesCommand Of a Child with Down syndrome Brooke R. Mize Texas Woman’s University Abstract: Children with Down syndrome typically have increased behavioral issues associated with their disability due to the disabilities’ phenotype. Introducing a token economy system was proven effective to increase the amount of running in the subject. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of a token economy to increase running on command of a child with Down syndrome. Having a tokenRead MoreEthical Dilemma Case Study: Enabling Autonomy For a Child With Downs Syndrome556 Words   |  2 PagesEthical dilemmas faced by the Allen family Slide 1: Ethical dilemma: Enabling autonomy for a child with Downs Syndrome Gary: Pam and Cliffords child Realistic goals Parental support of autonomy within Garys range of capabilities Future outlook Speakers Notes: Dealing with a child with Downs Syndrome is difficult for many families, but the Allen family has shown remarkable resilience in coping with their son Garys challenges. One of the reasons that Gary has made such a successful transitionRead MoreCharacteristics Of A Child With Cystic Fibrosis Or Down s Syndrome A Series Of Genetic Testing1431 Words   |  6 Pages When a child is diagnosed with cystic fibrosis or down s syndrome a series of genetic testing is performed. Probability is used in everyday life such as weather, life expectancy, financial markets and even medical testing. It is a part of mathematics that deals in calculating different outcomes and whether it will or will not occur. For example, the probability of flipping a coin in the air and it landing on heads or tails would be 1 because .5 can be equal odds of landing or not landing. ProbabilityRead MoreEssay on Effects of down syndrome1418 Words   |  6 Pagescommon every year. A study shows that ther e are about 6,000 diagnoses of Down Syndrome each year in the United States(National association for Down syndrome). One in every 800 babies is born with Down Syndrome (Marsh). This is a rise from the previously reported statistic of 1 in every 733, as it was reported in 2010. Down Syndrome is a common chromosome disorder due to an extra chromosome number 21(PudMedhealth). Down Syndrome causes mental retardation, a characteristic facial features, and multipleRead MoreDown Syndrom1638 Words   |  7 PagesAbstract a) Down syndrome b) Interesting topic c) Understanding why down syndrome occurs Introduction a) Who discovered Down syndrome b) What is Down syndrome Body research A. What Causes it and is it inherited? 1-Trisomy 21 2-Mosaic Down syndrome 3-Translocation Down syndrome B. How Down syndrome affects Kids 1-Physical features 2-Learning C. Risk factors 1-Advancing maternal age 2- Being carriers of the genetic translocation for Down syndrome 3-HavingRead MoreEssay about Down Syndrome1383 Words   |  6 Pages Down syndrome Down syndrome takes its name from Dr. Langdon Down. He was the first person to describe the syndrome in 1866. The earliest recorded incident of someone having Down syndrome dates back to an altar piece painted in a church in Aachen, Germany in 1504. Although the syndrome is named after Dr Langdon Down, he did not understand the condition, as we know it today. The syndrome was referred to as having mongolism. This was because people who have Down syndrome have similar physical characteristicsRead MoreThe Problem Of Down Syndrome1259 Words   |  6 PagesDown Syndrome Although many theories have been developed, it is not known what actually causes Down syndrome. Some professionals believe that hormonal abnormalities, X-rays, viral infections, immunologic problems, or genetic predisposition may be the cause of the improper cell division resulting in Down syndrome. It has been known for some time that the risk of having a child with Down syndrome increases with advancing age of the mother; i.e., the older the mother, the greater the possibility that

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Foreign Direct Investment ( Fdi ) - 1557 Words

In this 21st century, we live in a time like no other. The world has transformed as a result of globalization. Globalization has made it possible for individuals who wake up in east, to end their day in the other part of the world. Nations came together and eliminated trade barriers, which enabled Corporation’s to begin foreign direct investment (FDI) in other nations. This resulted, corporations transform into Multinational Enterprises. The movie â€Å"The Grand Seduction† shows the powerful impact FDI’s can have for an economy. This essay will analyze the movie and the following statement â€Å"The attraction and retention of foreign direct investment (FDI) is a complex and multifaceted activity for a number of different stakeholders†. This essay†¦show more content†¦This was very successful for India â€Å"It said after the launch of Make in India initiative, there is a nearly 40 per cent increase in FDI inflows during October 2014 to June 2015.†(Economic Times). FDI from developed countries to developing countries is a vehicle not only for providing physical capital, but also for transferring advanced technology, managerial skills, and innovative products. The transfer of intangible assets if often viewed as the â€Å"spillover† effects of FDI. Foreign affiliates from developed countries may also replace inefficient firms in developing countries. In â€Å"The Grand Seduction† once a fishing community where people lived happily were now dependent on government welfare. The government was helping its citizens but the help in a way was degrading lives of the people. People wanted to leave the town and go elsewhere. In the movie we see the mayor planning to offer full tax exemption to bring in the factory in the town. The movie shows the FDI as a last resort to revive Newfoundland. Studies show that FDI in the manufacturing sector plays a very important role in enhancing the economic growth, but FDI in nonmanufacturing sectors does not, example agriculture. Manufacturing FDI accounts for the lion’s share of FDI inflows in developing countries. In Foreign Direct Investment â€Å"Based on two-stage least squares, manufacturing FDI share has positive and

Friday, December 13, 2019

When a Man Loves a Woman Free Essays

Name: Date: August 1, 2006 Course/Level/Section: BSN IV- H1Adviser: Mrs. Theorose Bustillo Reaction Paper â€Å"The Notebook† At first, when the movie showed the past details of the characters, it was boring. You cannot appreciate the movie if you don’t reach the end part. We will write a custom essay sample on When a Man Loves a Woman or any similar topic only for you Order Now It portrayed an old man whose love to her wife is measured till eternity. Love was a never ending journey. Loving her wife is part of his life. As long as his heart is still beating, love still survives. To his last breath, he still shared his love to her wife. The setting of the film was also an old and classical feature. It showed a typical place of people wearing dress and cars whose designs are present in our museums. The wife at that time was a student nurse and the husband was a soldier. Their love was destined to be apart from each other to have a wise decision at the future. Their relationship was separated due to the will of the girl’s parents. The reason of her parents was due to the financial status of the guy that has not reached to their standards. The girl belonged to a wealthy family, while the guy is form a simple life. They both decided to part ways with each other having an agreement that they still communicate with each other through letters. The guy joined the army while the girl continued her studies in nursing. Both of them hold on to their agreement. Unknowingly, the parents of the girl kept the letter of the guy leading to doubt and misconception of the girl that the guy probably found another one. So, the girl met someone who she fells in loved with. They were both engaged. They guy still have faith that their love is still alive. He still continued to fulfil the dreams that they both promised with the girl. He went home and constructed their dream house. When he first arrived at his home place, he looked for the girl. Unluckily, he found the girl kissing with another guy. Depressed as he looked and feel; he still managed to finish renovating their dream house. On the marriage day of the girl, she had a glimpsed of the news paper. She then saw a picture of a house for sale with the guy selling it. He felt shocked and collapsed after she saw the picture. Because of that incident, the wedding was postponed. She then asked for time and space to his future husband for settling things first. She went back to the guy that she first fell in love with. They met with each other. They have their first impressions. These impressions involved love and faith that it can still work put. Then came the dilemma. The girl was confused on who to choose. The guy whom she first shared her love that only her parents are the reason why they separated or the guy who helped her coped from her emotional problem then later developed loved. He picked the first guy. And at the end, she never had regrets. When they aged with their lives, the wife suffered from a chronic mental disorder whose clinical description is Alzheimer’s disease. This disease is characterize by a continuous loss of memory both the short and the long term memory. It progresses until the person dies. Good for the wife because she wrote her memories with his husband on a diary. The diary where composed of past moments that they have shared with each other when they where still young. With this diary, the husband continues to read it, hoping that he can help cure her wife from the disease. She reads the diary day by day having the same content. Sad to say, there is no treatment to this kind of disease. The wife cannot recognize that the person telling her the story was his husband. The wife also cannot recognize her children and grandchildren. There are some instances that the wife can recall the story being told by the old person which is his husband. She has flash-backs in her mind that the story being told was her story. The place where they stayed was their past house that was developed into an institution for old people or other wise known as home for the aged. Their where doctors, nurses and personnel who where in charged in taking care of the aged people. Both the husband and wife who owned the place are patients of the institution. The husband was not that defective that he should stay in the institution. But because of her love to her wife, she joined with her and involved himself with the therapy to her wife. – E N D – How to cite When a Man Loves a Woman, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Language Acquisition free essay sample

These elements will be working together. They will be either helpful for teachers or otherwise. Skilful or at least luck teachers are those who make such variables work by their side. If we look closer at each variable we must notice the difference, which create a major headache for novice trainees and teachers alike. We scratch our heads seeking solutions and advice of all courses we studied at college. Furthermore, we search into experience looking for models to follow or adapt to get us out of the trap. Sometimes, we succeed and most of the time we do not, depending on how luck we are. For teachers of English as a foreign language, EFL, there are minimum requirements. They have to be knowledgeable in the field of psychology and linguistics. While the first discipline will help them know aspects and characteristics of learners, the latter will define and explain language dimensions and its relationship to varieties of human behaviour. No matter what we do as teachers or learners, we are going to be different from each others. Since this is the case, we will be great from some, alright for some and poor for others. Only realistic teachers and administrators admit this fact and act accordingly. Others lie, bluff and dream with some clients who probably share the same characteristics. So, what is it that trainees and teachers should know about their career? Let us go over the following items, even though they are highly simplified. These vocal symbols possess arbitrary conventional meanings. 3- Language is any set or system of linguistic symbols. These symbols are used by a number of people when communicating intelligibly with each other. Also this system is controlled partially by a more or less uniform. Language is any means, vocal or else, of expressing feelings or thoughts within a community. It is a system of conventionalized signs, especially words or gestures having at least for a period of time fixed meanings. 5- Language is a systematic means of communicating ideas or feelings. Signs, sounds, gestures, marks†¦etc. are parts of such a system. The phonetical, morphological and grammatical rules are applicable to them either in isolation or in groups. Every language has rule in any shape. Every language has linguistics and para or non-linguistics elements. Every language belongs to a certain family. Every language is subject to development or otherwise. Every language is uttered throw organs of speech coupled by movement of parts of the human body. †¢ †¢ Language only exists in a community. Every individual is capable of acquiring or learning a language(s) as far as he/she lives in a community. Dr. Yousif Al-Shumaimeri CI342 Methodology for TEFL †¢ Every language is loaded with its cultural aspects one cannot strip one of the other. A language dominates according to the strength of its people. 1. 2 English as a world language The status of English today is the result of two main factors such as the expansion of British colonial power, and the emergence of the United States as the leading power of the 20th century. From 1945 and tell now nearly all the remaining colonies of Britain became independent states, and â€Å"the role and function of English changed from being an instrument of subservience to other, quite different ends† (Strevens: 1992). The spread of English across cultures has to sides. One represents those who use English as their first language, and the other represents those who use it as an additional language. Kachru (in Quirk and Widdowson, 1985) has characterized English as it is used around the world into three concentric circles: the Inner circle, the Outer circle, and the Expanding circle. The Inner circle represents those who considered as native speakers of English in countries such as Britain, USA, Canada, and Australia. The Outer circle represents those who use it as a second language, and has an official standing in countries like India, Nigeria, Hong Kong, Fiji, Philippines, and Singapore. The Expanding circle represents those who use it as a foreign language in countries such as Egypt, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Korea, Brazil, Sweden, Indonesia, and France. Strevens (1992) categorize non-native speakers as he said: â€Å"In an English-using community where English is a secondary language for most or all of the users, its status will be one of two possible types: it will be either a foreign language or a second language. English is a foreign language (EFL) within a community when it has no special standing but is simply (just another language). Where as, English is a second language (ESL) when it has special standing; such as being acceptable in the courts of low, being the medium of instruction in major sectors of educational system, being used in regional or national administration, being commonly used on radio or television, and where there are a major newspapers published in English†. Dr. Yousif Al-Shumaimeri CI342 Methodology for TEFL A further distinction made by Kachru (1992) as he said it is necessary between English as a second language and English as a foreign language. The second anguage varieties of English are â€Å"essentially institutionalized varieties†, as in India and Nigeria. The foreign language varieties are †primarily performance varieties†, as in Saudi Arabia and Japan. This distinction is also important with reference to the role and functions of English in the educational, administrative, and sociocultural context of a country in which English is used as a non-native language (Kachru: 1992). The performance varieties of English have a highly restricted functional range in specific contexts; whereas the institutionalized varieties are different. The main characteristics of the later varieties are (a) they have an extended range of uses in the sociolinguistic context of a nation; (b) they have an extended register and style range; (c) a process of nativization of the registers and styles has taken place; (d) a body of nativized English literature has developed which has formal and contextual characteristics which mark it localized (Kachru: 1992). Because of the characteristics of these varieties, we got new models like Indian English, Ghanaian English, and Nigerian English. Non-native varieties differ in detail from native varieties; and this fact is a challenge faces the teaching and learning of the language. To sum up, the spread of the language across cultures, the increasing number of NNS, the emergence of varieties and the growing differences between them, and the communication among NNS and the issue of intelligibility have a huge influence on teaching the language for both native and non-native speakers.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

University of Cincinnati Villinova Online MBA Programs With no GMAT Essay Example

University of Cincinnati Villinova Online MBA Programs With no GMAT Essay University of Cincinnati  Online MBA Program no GMAT  is a very  well known public exploration and research institution, the University of Cincinnati encompasses four very large campuses in Cincinnati, Ohio  totaling 473 acres in all. With its roots tracing all the way back to 1819, the University of Cincinnati has produced quite a few major contributions to our sciences and society, including the life saving oral Polio vaccine, the first electronic organ the first antihistamine, and the founding of cooperative online education. With more than 30,000 students, the University of Cincinnati has grown to become one of the countries largest and most comprehensive academic universities as well as the largest employer in the Cincinnati area. Click the Banner below for the Official: University of Cincinnati Online MBA Program no GMAT We will write a custom essay sample on University of Cincinnati Villinova Online MBA Programs With no GMAT specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on University of Cincinnati Villinova Online MBA Programs With no GMAT specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on University of Cincinnati Villinova Online MBA Programs With no GMAT specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Nova University  Online MBA Program no GMAT  was founded in the late 18oos. Nova University is one of the oldest and the biggest Catholic universities in Pennsylvania and through the years, Villanova has become recognized as the leading expert in online and offline professional education, with many thousands of online students that also include professionals from many Fortune  five hundred  companies. Villanova University offers you a wide variety of very dynamic yet one hundred percent online programs including our Human Resource Master’s Degree designed specifically with you and your busy life in mind. From our project management program to the leadership, to HR, Villanova’s programs are designed specifically to help you gain industry leading certifications that will enhance your education and your career. Click the Banner below for the Official:   Villanova University Online MBA Program no GMAT

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Environmental Issues essays

Environmental Issues essays Pike, J.R., J.H. Shaw, D.M. Leslie Jr., M.G. Shaw and J.E. Smith. 1999. A geographic analysis of the status of mountain lions in Oklahoma. Wildlife Society Bulletin Wildlife managers in the state of Oklahoma manage many species of animals in their state parks and nature preserves. They need current up to date information in order to make educated decisions regarding the parks. The managers have been very interested in learning the population status of mountain lions (Puma concolor) in their area. Due to the fact that few studies have been conducted on the mountain lions eastern and central range, accurate figures were not available. We tested the following null hypotheses that the mountain lion population was not dependent upon the harvest trends of white tail deer (Odocoileus virginanus), size of human population, ecoregions, generalized topography, or locations of exotic game ranchers. In order to find out the current mountain lion population, surveys were mailed statewide to all natural resource professionals. The data was collected and then input into a geographic information system for further study and analysis. Along with the sighti ngs data, layers for deer harvests, census, topographic, and ranch data were added to the map for comparison with sightings. The study showed that the mountain lion population was dependant on ecoregions due to mountain lions preference to hunting on steep slopes and lack of human disturbance in rangeland. However, human population alone had no correlation. Mountain lion population also depends on deer harvests, since the white tail deer is a major part of the mountain lions diet. We predict that the increase of mountain lions is Oklahoma is associated mainly with low human population density, and increasing white tail deer populations. If the state wildlife managers wish to decrease presence of mountain lions in these areas then they should increase the bag limi ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Administration of Medicines 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Administration of Medicines 3 - Essay Example f nurses’ and midwives’ professional lives regulated by the NMC are education, conduct, registration, supervision, allegations and ethical issues (Benner et al., 2009. P. 243). It is thus of the essence that student and practicing nurses and midwives ensure that all the latest NMC regulations are observed and standards attained. For instance, in 2004, the NMC set standards for education, which require nurses and midwives to attain the right level and types of skills, proficiency and qualities prior to their being absorbed into the industry. Besides the initial education, the NMC also set standards for nurses and midwives to develop their careers once absorbed into the industry. This continuous training and involvement in learning activities not only help nurses and midwives to sharpen their skills and competencies but also ensure their skills do not lag behind. One benefit of attaining the NMC standards of education and efficiency is to enable a nurse or a midwife to register with the NMC, which is the organ mandated to keep the register of all midwives and nurses in the United Kingdom. It is only by being registered that a nurse or a midwife may operate legally in the United Kingdom. To be registered, nurses and midwives must therefore meet the education standards, pay the annual fee and update their skills. The other function of the NMC, which nurses and midwifes must observe is supervision. During these organised supervisions, it is imperative that nurses and midwives prove that their work is supervised and meets the set standards to qualify for registration with the NMC. The NMC also deals with any issues and allegations rising within the nursing and midwifery professions in the UK, especially allegations that one does not meet the set professional standards and skills relating to education, supervision and work ethics. From these func tions of the NMC, it is obvious that student and professional nurses and midwives should endeavor to attain the set